Important Announcements and Dates
1-3 – Winter Break-Schools Closed
3 –Teacher Workday-Schools Closed
6 – Students return to school after Winter Break
10 – Q2/S1 Report Cards
20 – MLK Jr. Day Schools Closed
10 – Midterm Q3
18 – 12:00 pm Student Dismissal
Teacher Workday/Networking
Food City Bucks Challenge
Rural Retreat Middle School is now part of the 2024-2025 School Bucks Challenge with Food City. For every dollar a participating customer invests by shopping at Food City and using their Value Card, one point will be added to RRHS. Please go to to link your personal Value Card to RRMS. RRMS Code is 60570.
RRMS Social Media
Visit the RRMS Facebook for school announcements, activities, and athletics.
RRMS Facebook Link
Rural Retreat Middle School Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM